I missed the Apple Cup this year, because we were in Santa Fe, but when we flew out of Spokane on Thanksgiving (two days before the game), I saw this plane at the airport:
....and I took it as a sign that the Huskies would win. And win they did...the final score was 30-0. GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!
Since we'll be gone on the actual day, and my grandparents are leaving to head down south for the winter, we had an early Thanksgiving dinner together at my aunt's new house.
Magnus, Beckett & Emma
For SOME reason, Mom didn't want me to take a picture of her pumpkin pie.... ;)
In light of our first significant (technically, it did snow for the first time here on October 29th, but not enough to accumulate to anything) snowfall of the year, here is a video to make you smile. Fortunately for me, my minivan is the only one in my parent's driveway these days, so I shouldn't have this problem. :)
I finally broke down and decided it was time for Wyatt's first haircut. First, you must understand that he was bald for about the first 16 months of his life, and so when he finally did sprout some hair, I didn't have the heart to get it cut! It was getting fairly long in the back, so I decided it was time. He did so great!.......held really still, and didn't seem to mind it at all. And now he looks like such a little boy!